Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

kind for whatever it is


he said 'Why should you cry? Did you do something wrong to her? Were you mean to her? Do you owe something? She's just jealous. trust me.'

no. i never take away her happiness. i laugh if something's worth to be laughed, if it makes me happy. never mean to make her angry with my voice, with my existence.
she seems to be upset all day with weird made-up laugh.

if only

if only she let me know what make her so grumpy. she seems mature with a broken personality.

been saying sorry;
been feeling guilty;
been thinking her words. are those me?;
been feeling sure all people is good;
been speaking 'ok then, well if it's what you want';
even feeling clueless.

it has been billion times i said this to my head:
'stay kind, dont do anything much. let me be blind, let me be deaf with all these situations.'

stay kind fo whatever it is

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